martes, 5 de abril de 2011

my free time

Ana enjoys dancing.
Sara loves surfing the Internet.
Paul hates playing football.
Sal doesn't like swimming.
Ben likes singing.
Amy doesn't mind riding a bike.
My brother likes running.
My mum hates cooking.
John doesn't like going to the cinema.
Martin hates doing homework.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Com estalviar aigua

1. Tanca l'aixeta al rentarte les dents o afeitarte, pots ahorrar hasta 10 litres.
2. Duxat enconter de banyate ahorrarás 150 litres.
3. No gastes les dutxes de les platjes, es un lujo innecesari que deus fer saber al teu ajuntament.
4.  Rega per la nit per a evitar pérdues per evaporació i les plantes teu agrairan.
5. Plena la rentadora i el teu llavaplats, es on més aigua es gasta. El aigua del segon aclarat pots emplearla per a regar les teues plantes. 

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010


I traveled to Ibiza last summer. I went with my friend María. We stayed at María's cousin house.

We went by car to Denia. There were we took the boat to go to Ibiza. We were with my cousin in the boat.

I really liked the boat trip! It was very funny!

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Hugo Silva

Hugo Silva is a Spanish actor. He was born in Madrid in May, 1977. He was born in San Blas.

He studied drama at the School of Arts ''Angel Gutierrez'' in Madrid and studied drama at ESSN. He also trained in singing and playing the guitar. He joined to a band called ''Inordem''

He is one of the sex-symbol of the moment, considered the most desired man in Spain in 2010. He has role in  the serie  "Los hombres de Paco"

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


My name is Ana
I am thirteen years old
I live in Xàbia  
I study at Mª Inmaculada school
I am tall
I have got green eyes
I haven't got  any pets
I usually play the computer
I never play tennis
I watch TV
I don't like oranges
I like pizza
I love pasta
I hate bananas
My favourite colour is orange
I can run